Monday, January 31, 2005


more outstanding usage of my free time

FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY: subterranean cinema. interesting site of rare movies and such. the three incredibly cool things contained within: (a) the entire text of amos vogel's film as subversive art (with pictures!), (b) the novelization of Jodorowsky's EL TOPO, the crazy occultish filmmaker I keep talking about--I mean, just look at the picture at the top of the page if you need convincing (I should be getting a copy of HOLY MOUNTAIN if roya ever sends it to me) and finally (c) the vienna aktionists page, where--zach, hold your breath--you can buy two videos containing three and a half hours of "ULTRABIZARRE AND INFAMOUS EXTREMIST PERFORMANCE ART." it's only $30 bucks and it looks insane. i'm seriously tempted.

FUN FOR HIP PEOPLE WITH GLASSES: fred camper. lots and lots of writing, especially on avant-garde stuff and especially especially on brakhage (he wrote the liner notes for that DVD). check out the links page: pretty extensive, and it led me to some interesting things, like...

[1] FILM GEEK HEADQUARTERS: frame works. email list in which various film professors and other professionals participate (including scott macdonald, who put together that cinema 16 book, amongst other things, and at least one person from the video databank).

and through that list...

[2] IN MY OWN FUCKING BACKYARD: magic lantern cinema. a series of avant-garde presentations in providence, sorta similar to balagan. goddamn it, why haven't i heard about this until now?!!?!

MEANWHILE, in the land of people who plan and scheme about how to drain even more money out of me by putting out DVD awesomeness... criterion has two upcoming releases that look pretty interesting... l'eclisse and tout va bien (godard and jane fonda... hmm). the criterion website is worth searching through--it looks like you can read most (all?) of the essays they include with the discs, and there's even a focus on czechoslovak new wave (so i can fantasize about more films i won't be able to see... sigh...)

BONUS! a terrifyingly complicated explanation of how to install soulseek on macs! i've no idea how hard this whole thing might be to implement, but goddamn if I'm not gonna give it a shot as soon as I get the time/motivation. you unemployed people should look into it... happy pilfering!
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